
Through the Reports menu, a list of available reports is presented for you to select one and open the corresponding report area. Keep in mind that the list of reports may vary based on user’s specific deployment and permissions.

Following, we present a quick description of each report. Some reports are exclusively used by DialedIn Support for troubleshooting and similar situations, hence a description may not be included here.

Adjusted Duration

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Agent Activity

This report lists all agent activity for the specified date range. Events such as Login, Waiting, Paused, etc. are listed along with the time of occurrence and any details attached to that event.

The table results include the following columns:


Agent login name


Dialer Campaign


Agent Activity Event


Duration of Event or Call


Date of Event or Call


Phone Number

Call Status

Disposition of Call


Details Attached to Event or Call

Agent Analysis

This report summarizes agent activity for the specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Date of Event or Call


Agent login name


Dialing Campaign

Hours Worked

This is total logged in time minus the time spent on paused status.


Calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


This is the total amount of connects divided by the total hours worked.

Conversion Rate

Ratio of Sales/Leads/App disposition divided by total contacts.

Conversion Factor

Sales/Leads/App per Contact per hour.


Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Total Sales/Leads/App dispositions divided by the worked hours.

Call Backs

Calls Dispositioned as AGENTSPCB

Avg Talk Time

Total time spent on calls divided by the number of calls passed to agents.

Agent Pause Time

This report lists all of the breaks an agent took during the specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Agent login name


Dialing Campaign

Session Login Time

Session Login Time

Session Logout Time

Session Logout Time

Pause Time

Time the Agent Started a Pause

Break Code

Reason for Pause

UnPause Time

Time the Agent Ended a Pause

Time Paused

Total Time Paused

Session ManHours

Session Man-Hours

Agent Session

This report lists all the login sessions for each Rep by day, along with the time of their first call.

The table results include the following columns:


Date of Event or Call


Agent login name

LogIn Time

Time the Agent Logged In

First Call Time

Time the Agent made or received their first call

LogOut Time

Time the Agent Logged Out

Agent Summary

This report summarizes agent activity for the specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Date of Event or Call


Agent login name


Total Dial Attempts


Calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Hours Worked

This is total logged in time minus the time spent on paused status.


Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


This is the total amount of connects divided by the total hours worked.


Total Sales/Leads/App dispositions divided by the worked hours.

Conversion Rate

Ratio of Sales/Leads/App disposition divided by total contacts.

Conversion Factor

Sales/Leads/App per Contact per hour.

Talk Time

Total Time Spent on Calls

Avg Talk Time

Total time spent on calls divided by the number of calls passed to agents.

Time Paused

Total Time Paused

Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting

Avg Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting divided by the number of times the agent went into waiting status.

Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap-up Time. Wrap up time includes after call work and time spent previewing a lead.

Avg Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap Up Time divided by the number of times the agent went into wrap up time status.

Logged In Time

Total Time Logged In

Agent Summary By Camp

This report summarizes agent activity for the selected campaigns and specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Agent login name


Total Dial Attempts


Calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Hours Worked

This is total logged in time minus the time spent on paused status.


Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


This is the total amount of connects divided by the total hours worked.


Total Sales/Leads/App dispositions divided by the worked hours.

Conversion Rate

Ratio of Sales/Leads/App disposition divided by total contacts.

Conversion Factor

Sales/Leads/App per Contact per hour.

Talk Time

Total Time Spent on Calls

Avg Talk Time

Total time spent on calls divided by the number of calls passed to agents.

Time Paused

Total Time Paused

Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting

Avg Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting divided by the number of times the agent went into waiting status.

Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap-up Time. Wrap up time includes after call work and time spent previewing a lead.

Avg Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap Up Time divided by the number of times the agent went into wrap up time status.

Logged In Time

Total Time Logged In

Agent Summary By Sub

This report summarizes agent activity by sub-campaign for the selected campaigns and specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Dialing Campaign


Dialing Sub-Campaign


Agent login name


Total Dial Attempts


Calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Hours Worked

This is total logged in time minus the time spent on paused status.


Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


This is the total amount of connects divided by the total hours worked.


Total Sales/Leads/App dispositions divided by the worked hours.

Conversion Rate

Ratio of Sales/Leads/App disposition divided by total contacts.

Conversion Factor

Sales/Leads/App per Contact per hour.

Talk Time

Total Time Spent on Calls

Avg Talk Time

Total time spent on calls divided by the number of calls passed to agents.

Time Paused

Total Time Paused

Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting

Avg Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting divided by the number of times the agent went into waiting status.

Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap-up Time. Wrap up time includes after call work and time spent previewing a lead.

Avg Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap Up Time divided by the number of times the agent went into wrap up time status.

Logged In Time

Total Time Logged In

Agent Summary By Ring Group

** Coming Soon **

Agent Time Sheet

This report lists all the login sessions for a Rep, along with the total Man Hours and Logged in Time.

The table results include the following columns:


Agent login name


Dialing Campaign

LogIn Time

Time the Agent Logged In

LogOut Time

Time the Agent Logged Out

Logged In Time

Total Time Logged In

Man Hours

Total Time Logged In, Not in Pause

Time Paused

Total Time Paused

Talk Time

Total Time Spent on Calls

Avg Talk Time

Total time spent on calls divided by the number of calls passed to agents.

Wrap Up Time

Total Wrap-up Time. Wrap up time includes after call work and time spent previewing a lead.

Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting

Call Details

This report details each dial attempt made for the given parameters. If a custom table is specified, then the lead information fields from that table will also be displayed.

The table results include the following columns:


Date of Event or Call


Agent login name


Dialing Campaign


Dialing Sub-Campaign


Phone Number


State Dialed


Country Dialed


Dialing Attempt Number

Caller ID

Caller ID for the dialing campaign/sub-campaign

Inbound Source

Caller ID and Description

Lead ID

Called party Lead ID

Client ID

Called party Client ID


Lead Last Name


Lead First Name

Import Date

Date Lead Was Imported

Call Status

Disposition of Call

Is Callable

Disposition 'Is Callable'


Duration of Event or Call

Call Type

Type of Call


Details Attached to Event or Call


Indicates if the Agent hung up on the call


The amount of time that the call is on hold

Call Distribution

This report shows the distribution of call attempts based on the call attempt instance for the corresponding lead. It can be grouped by call attempt or by the age of the lead.

The table results include the following columns:


Dialing Attempt Number


Total Dial Attempts



Call Distribution NOANS

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Caller ID Swap Summary

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Caller ID Swaps

This report lists all Caller IDs that have been replaced because they were flagged as spam. The number of calls and connect percentage looks back at the previous 30 days. Connects are calls that went through, which is not necessarily the same as what you may have configured as a "connect".

The table results include the following columns:


Date of Event or Call


Phone Number


Ring Group Description

Flagged By

Entity or entities that flagged the number

APIs Flagged


Number of Calls

Connect %

Percentage of Calls Connected

Replaced By

The Caller ID that replaced the original

From Bank

Whether replacement number was taken from banked numbers

Caller ID Swap Graph

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Caller ID Tracking

This report summarizes outbound calls by the Caller ID used. Note that the graphic chart will not be included when the report is exported.

The table results include the following columns:

Caller ID

Caller ID used by the dialing campaign

Total Calls

Total Dials Made

Agent Calls

Number of Calls Dispositioned by an Agent

Connect %

Percentage of Calls Connected

Last 30 Days

Number of times this Caller ID has been used in the last 30 days

Calls Per Hour

The purpose of this report is to show how call volume fluctuates over each hour of the day.

The table results include the following columns:


The hour of the day for the call counts

Total Calls

Total number of calls


Number of calls that resulted in a connect, i.e., a call attempt that was successful reaching a person or answering machine


Number of calls that resulted in a contact, i.e., a call attempt that was Connected and, in addition, the person answering was identified as the right contact


Number of calls that resulted in a sale, i.e., a call attempt that was Connected, the person answering was identified as the right Contact, and a positive action resulted from the call

Conversion Rate

The percentage of contact calls that resulted in a sale


The number of calls that were inbound


The percentage of calls that were inbound

Abandoned Calls

The number of inbound calls that were abandoned by caller

Abandoned Rate

The percentage of inbound calls that were abandoned by caller


The number of calls that were outbound


The percentage of calls that were outbound


The number of outbound calls that were dropped by called party

Dropped Rate

The percentage of outbound calls that were dropped by called party

Talk Time

The aggregated amount of time talking during all calls

Avg Hold Time

The average amount of time that calls are parked, or put on hold

Avg Wait Time

The average amount of time that an inbound caller waits to be connected to an agent


The percentage of calls that result in a ‘Contact’

Campaign Call Log

This report summarizes all dials by their disposition. Charts break down the call volume by 15 minute intervals, as well as graphical depictions of agent vs system handled calls and call status distribution.

Note that the charts will not be included when the report is exported.

The table results include the following columns:

Call Status

Disposition of Call


Description of Call Status


Total Count of calls for this disposition


Percentage of calls for this disposition

Campaign Contact

This report summarizes outbound calls by Campaign.

Note that the graphic chart will not be included when the report is exported.

The table results include the following columns:


Dialing Campaign

Total Calls

Total Dials Made

Agent Calls

Number of Calls Dispositioned by an Agent


Calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Connect %

Percentage of Calls Connected


Percentage of Calls Contacted

Campaign Summary

This report summarizes campaign activity for the specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Period included in the summary


Dialing Campaign

Total Leads

Total Number of Leads in the campaign


Callable Leads


Total Dial Attempts

Dials per Hr

Dial Attempts per Hr

Avg Attempts

Average Dial Attempts on Leads in a campaign that has activity within the date range selected


Number of Agents included in the summary

Man Hours

This is total logged in time minus the time spent on paused status.

Logged In Time

Total Agent Time Logged In


Number of calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Connect %

Percentage of Calls that resulted in a Connect


Number of calls where a contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Percentage of Calls that resulted in a Contact


Number of calls that were hung up on


Connects Per Hour - this is the total amount of connects divided by the total hours worked.

Conversion Rate

Ratio of Sales/Leads/App disposition divided by total contacts.

Conversion Factor

Sales/Leads/App per Contact per hour.


Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Total Sales/Leads/App dispositions divided by the hours worked.

NoAns Rate

Percentage of calls that did not answer

Norb Rate

Percentage of calls that do not ring back

Drop Rate

Percentage of Connected Calls that were Dropped

Avg Wait Time

Total Time Spent Waiting divided by the number of times the agent went into waiting status.

Campaign Usage

This report breaks down all leads in a campaign by the number of dialing attempts on each, and if the lead is marked as callable or not.

Note that the charts will not be included when the report is exported.

The table results include the following columns:


Indicates if a Lead is marked as Callable or Uncallable


Dialing Attempt Number


Total Number of Leads with that Number of Attempted Dials

Comparison Report

This report provides a side by side comparison of the selected KPIs for two custom periods of time.

Conference Transfer

** Coming Soon **

Contact Rate

This report summarizes Calls, Answers, Connects, Contacts and Conversions for the given date range.

The table results include the following columns:

Call Status

Disposition of Calls counted


Description of Call Status


Total Count of calls with this disposition


Percentage of calls with this disposition

Avg Attempts

Average Dialing Attempts

Contact Rate (List Level)

** Coming Soon **

Dialing Metrics

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

FAS Dials

** Coming Soon **

Group Duration

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Inbound Summary

This report summarizes inbound calls for the specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


Dialing Campaign

Inbound Source

Caller ID and Description

Total Calls

Total number of corresponding calls


Total duration of all corresponding Events or Calls

Handled By Rep

Number of corresponding calls handled by an agent

Handled By IVR

Number of corresponding calls handled by the IVR

Voice Mail

Number of corresponding calls sent to Voicemail

Abandoned Calls

Number of corresponding calls that were Abandoned

Avg Talk Time

Total time spent on corresponding calls divided by the number of those calls passed to agents

Avg Hold Time

Average Hold Time for corresponding calls

Internal Transfer Summary

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Journal Log

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Lead Inventory

This report breaks down all of the leads in a campaign by Call Status. It also totals the number of available leads remaining.

The table results include the following columns:

Result Codes

Description of Call Disposition


Indicates if the Call Made a Connection, Contact, etc.


Number of Calls

Lead Inventory By Sub

This report breaks down all of the leads in a campaign and sub-campaign by Call Status. It also totals the number of available leads remaining.

The table results include the following columns:


Dialing Subcampaign

Result Codes

Description of Call Disposition


Indicates if the Call Made a Connection, Contact, etc.


Number of Calls

Lead NPA

This report gives a count by NPA (area code) of every outbound call for the date range, and every lead, regardless of import date. If "Include Owned NPAs" is selected, then the recommended DIDs will be adjusted accordingly.

The table results include the following columns:


The state to which the corresponding NPA belongs


Area code of the numbers called

Major City

Key identifying city covered by the area code


Time zone of location for the area code

Owned DIDs

Number of Owned DIDs for the NPA (area code)


Number of leads with this NPA


Number of calls made to this NPA

Percent of Total Calls

Percentage of the Total Calls made to this NPA

Recommended DIDs

Recommended number of DIDs to add

Local Presence

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Missed Calls

This report lists all inbound calls that were abandoned or sent to voicemail during the date range, along with the most recent call from that number along with that call's disposition.

The table results include the following columns:


Phone number of missed call

Missed Calls

Number of calls missed


Corresponding Lead First Name


Corresponding Lead Last Name

Most Recent

Most Recent Date/Time Called

Call Status

Disposition of Call

Production By Sub

This report summarizes calls by sub-campaign during the date range.

The table results include the following columns (there is also a column for each custom call disposition, in addition to the standard columns listed here):


Dialing Sub-campaign


Number of calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Number of calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Number of calls with Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Production Report

This report summarizes calls by an agent during the date range.

The table results include the following columns (there is also a column for each custom call disposition, in addition to the standard columns listed here):


Agent login name


Agent skill

Man Hours

The total logged in time minus the time spent on paused status

Logged In Time

Total Time that agent was Logged In


Number of calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Number of calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Number of Contacts per Man-Hour


Number of calls with Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.


Number of Sales per Man-Hour

Route Status

This is an internal report for use by DialedIn Support only

Shift Report

This report summarizes outbound calls by campaign for the specified date range. It provides totals of call dispositions and whether they made a connection or contact.

The table results include the following columns (summarized for every campaign):


Date of Event or Call


Dialing Campaign

Call Status

Disposition of Call


Ring Group Description


Disposition type - Indicates if the Call Made a Connection, Contact, etc.


Number of Calls


Percentage of calls with this call status (among all calls for the applicable campaign)

Skipped Leads

** Coming Soon **

State Dialing Metrics

This report shows connect rates by area code for all outbound-type calls. A call is considered connected based on agent type dispositions rather than system type.

The table results include the following columns:


Area Code


State where the NPA resides


Number of Calls

Connect Rate

Ratio of Connects Based on System Status per Dials


Sales/Leads/App call status. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code.

Operator Disconnects

Calls with a CR_CEPT status (Operator Intercept)

Sub-campaign Summary

This report summarizes campaign/sub-campaign activity for the specified date range.

The table results include the following columns:


The period start date for the period length specified under ‘Group By’


The dialing campaign


The specific sub-campaign under Campaign

Total Leads

Total Number of Leads


Total Dial Attempts

Dials per Hr

Dials per Hour


Number of Callable Leads

Avg Attempts

Average Attempts on Leads in a campaign that has activity within the date range selected

Man Hours

This is the total logged-in time minus the time spent on paused status


Calls that connected. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code


Calls where contact was made. This is determined by the disposition type on the wrap up code


Connects Per Hour; the total number of connects divided by the total hours worked


Sales/Leads/App call status, determined by the disposition type for the corresponding wrap up code


Total Sales/Leads/App dispositions divided by worked hours

Connect Rate

Ratio of Connects per Dial

S-L-A Rate Value

Dials per Sale

Conversion Rate

Ratio of Sales/Leads/App disposition divided by total contacts

Conversion Factor

Sales/Leads/App per Contact per hour

Operator Disconnects

Calls with a CR_CEPT status

Text Details

This report details each text message sent or received.

The table results include the following columns:


Date of Event or Call


Agent login name


Laed Phone Number

Caller ID

Caller ID associated with the Rep


Lead Last Name


Lead First Name


Whether the message was Delivered or Received by the Rep


Contents of the text message

Transfer Agent

This report looks at all calls that were transferred from a Rep to a Closer, and how many of those calls turned into sales (based on call disposition).

The table results include the following columns:


Agent login name (who initiated transfer)


Rep who handled call last


Date of Event or Call


Lead's Phone number

Call Status

Disposition of Call

Automated Reports

At the top of each Report input screen, as well as in Settings, you can find access to this screen, which allows you to schedule any of the listed reports to be sent to you periodically, using default parameters.

By checking a report’s period view (currently, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly), the corresponding report gets generated and sent. The reports are sent to the user’s email address configured in settings. The email will look something similar to the one in the following picture.

The email will include an attachment for the report, usually in Excel format, similar to the one in the following picture.